Monday, January 7, 2013

About HDInsight


Otey: Right; this is the new Windows version of Hadoop that you implemented either on-premise[s] or in Azure as a service?

Leland (Microsoft): Yes; so HDInsight for Windows is the on-premise[s] implementation that was announced at Strata. So now our customers broadly have downloadable access to preview bits, for Hadoop on a Windows implementation -- and a preview for the service.
The benefits of these different approaches are kind of like the following. First, we are the only vendor out there who is providing both on-premise[s] offerings and cloud offerings. So the customer has incredible flexibility in their ability both to choose whatever solutions that they need. If I want to run it in my data center, then I'll run it in my data center. If I want to run it in Microsoft's data center, I could now run it in [a] Microsoft data center. I can move it back and forth with the same implementation, 100 percent code compatible. And I can build hybrid scenarios where I may have a piece of the implementation running on data that lives in my data center; or I've got data that's been born in the cloud and I don't really want to bring it back on the prem, so I'll move it into the service. So the flexibility in terms of what we're offering is incredibly valuable to customers in terms of choices that we offer. The flexibility in the scenarios of my data center, the cloud, or some combination of both is also incredibly helpful. And then you kind of bring that back and say, "Now I can use the power of Excel 2013 to get to that data . . . incredibly valuable propositions.
The value of the service, of the HDInsight service, is simpler to the value proposition than you get for products. As a company, I'm not investing in the capital of the infrastructure to build out the software, and I don't have to buy a bunch of machines to build up a cluster. I don't need to hire a Hadoop expert to know how to deploy and build out a Hadoop cluster because I can go to the service, and with basically three clicks and ten minutes, I can deploy a cluster of any size. I pay for that by capacity, but again I don't need that implementation expertise. What I do need is the individual who knows how to build my jobs.


HDInsight is Microsoft's Hadoop-based distribution, built on the Hortonworks Data Platform for Windows (HDP). It combines the simplicity of Windows with the power and reliability of the HDP to deliver big data insights from Apache Hadoop. This is a preview release targeting developer scenarios and as such only support single-node deployments.



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