Monday, September 3, 2012

What can I do with CentOS ?


  1. I want to install EPEL repository
  2. How to mount 'ntfs' partition in CentOS?
  3. How do I create CentOS local repository?
  4. Create local yum repository
  5. Setting up passwordless SSH
  6. Install firefox 15 on CentOS
  7. Download rpm packages locally to a directory to setup local repo
  8. Install VirtualBox on CentOS

1. I want to install EPEL repository

For the impatient
I am using CentOS 6
For the rest
Go to it contains the additional repositories.
Find your favourite repository/EPEL and follow the links, they should have updated information over time.

2. How to mount 'ntfs' partition in CentOS?

Read the guide here -

3. How do I create CentOS local repository?

For the impatient
I am using CentOS 6

  • yum install createrepo
  • createrepo /path/to/rpms


4. Create local yum repository

For the impatient
I am using CentOS 6
  • Should have createrepo package. If not then yum install createrepo
  • Create a repository directory that will contain rpms (mkdir /media/repo)
  • #createrepo /path/to/rpms (here /media/repo)
  • #nano /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo
  • Contents of local.repo
Name=CentOS 6.3 $releasever $basearch local repository

Follow the guide here -

5. Setting up passwordless SSH

For the impatient
I am using CentOS
  • #ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • #ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@hostname


6. Install firefox 15 on CentOS

For the impatient
I am using CentOS
For the rest
Follow here -  



7. Download rpm packages locally to a directory to setup local repo

For the impatient
I am using CentOS
  • Install yum-downloadonly plugin (#yum install yum-downloadonly)
  • Only download -> #yum install firefox --downloadonly --downloaddir=/media/repo
  • Download and install -> #yum install firefox --downloaddir=/media/repo
For setting up local repository go to section 4.

8. Install VirtualBox on CentOS

For the impatient
I am using CentOS

  • from directory /etc/yum.repos.d run #wget
  • #yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
  • #yum install kernel-devel
  • #yum install VirtualBox-4.2
  • for a user who wants to run virtualbox run #usermod -a -G vboxusers username

For the rest - goto



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